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Ventilation Systems for broilers and laying hens

Ventilation Systems for broilers and laying hens are engineered to provide precise control of the climate inside the facility, even when the climate outside of the building is extreme or changing.

Climate conditions are controlled with a range of Ventilation System products including ventilation fans, evaporative cooling, heating, inlets and precision controls.

During summer periods farmers can experience heat stress in their bird populations, which negatively affects growth and productivity for broilers and layers, something that would need to be avoided in intensive poultry production. This makes air exchange rates and ventilation rates crucial in growing chickens or producing eggs.

During winter periods or cooler parts of the year, depending on where the production is situated, minimum ventilation is critical. Due to increasing energy prices, farmers want to limit the amount of fresh air to what is absolutely necessary for keeping a sufficient air quality in the broiler or layer house. If the minimum ventilation rate is exceeded by bringing more cold air from the outside, the farmer’s cost for heating will increase and farm profitability is jeopardized.

FCR, or Feed Conversion Ratio, can be addressed with Ventilation System climate control equipment. There is an explicit correlation between maintaining the correct environmental indoor conditions avoiding temperature fluctuations and optimized FCR. Even the smallest changes in FCR at any given feed price, can have a substantial impact on financial margins for the farmer.

All this said the environment control in layers or broiler houses is crucial and according to Ventilation System philosophy it should be done with the smallest possible environmental impact and instead with environmental excellence.

Ventilation System has the equipment and knowledge to help you take control and produce your perfect climate whether it is for broiler, layer or breeder.
